That’s right folks, the time for ranked grinding has arrived. Overwatch has announced the start of its 25th competitive season, which will spawn for over two months. Starting on November 5th and set to end on January 7th, this new season promises to bring the gaming community a much-needed concluding distraction from all the not-so-fun events of this year. Who said Overwatch was dead? (Actually, we sort of did.)
Similar to last season’s release, no gameplay updates nor balance changes were released, despite a patch arriving just last week. The small changes done include HP readjustment for some heroes, adjustments to certain weapons, such as Baptiste’s Biotic Launcher and McCree’s Peacekeeper. Other heroes such as Mei, Symmetra, Widowmaker, and Brigitte were also slightly tweaked in this new update.
It is assumed that no major changes will happen to the game until the release of Overwatch 2, including new maps and heroes. However, as a general consensus among avid players, the game is in the best state it has ever been in regard to hero balance and enjoyment. Besides, no new hero additions means you get to focus on mastering the latest hero released, Echo. Have you managed to master the evolutionary robot just yet?
Those who participated in the past season can expect to receive bonus competitive points as long as they have successfully completed their placement matches. Hopefully, this CP is enough for you to acquire a precious addition to your collection! As for rewards for Season 25, we can confirm that players will be given an icon and animated spray upon completion of placement matches. Another icon and animated spray will be given if you manage to squirm into the top 500 on any role either on Role Queue or Open Queue. Time to polish those skills and rise up quickly!